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Committees and Boards

Executive Committee

  • Susan Brown, Project Lead, University of Guelph
  • Deborah Stacey, Technical Chair, University of Guelph
  • Kim Martin, Research Board Chair, University of Guelph
  • Pieter Botha, Technical Manager, University of Guelph
  • Sarah Roger, LINCS Project Manager, University of Guelph

Research Board

  • Kim Martin, Research Board Chair, University of Guelph
  • Susan Brown, Project Lead, University of Guelph
  • Stacy Allison-Cassin, Theme Lead (Navigating Scale), University of Toronto
  • Jon Bath, Theme Lead (Building Knowledge), University of Saskatchewan
  • Janelle Jenstad, Theme Lead (Making Connections), University of Victoria
  • Sarah Roger, LINCS Project Manager, University of Guelph

Technical Committee

  • Deborah Stacey, Technical Chair, University of Guelph
  • Susan Brown, Component Lead (Access), University of Guelph
  • Denilson Barbosa, Component Lead (Conversion), University of Alberta
  • Constance Crompton, Site Tech Lead (Ottawa), University of Ottawa
  • Kate Davis, Site Tech Lead (Toronto/Scholars Portal), Scholars Portal/University of Toronto
  • Lisa Goddard, Component Lead (Infrastructure), University of Victoria
  • Carlos McGregor, Scholars Portal/University of Toronto
  • Geoffrey Rockwell, Component Lead (Voyant), University of Alberta
  • John Simpson, Site Tech Lead (Digital Research Alliance of Canada), Digital Research Alliance of Canada
  • Amaz Taufique, Scholars Portal/University of Toronto
  • Pieter Botha, Technical Manager, University of Guelph

Board of Directors

  • Susan Brown, Project Lead, University of Guelph
  • Deborah Stacey, Technical Chair, University of Guelph
  • Kim Martin, Research Board Chair, University of Guelph
  • Stacy Allison-Cassin, Theme Lead (Navigating Scale), University of Toronto
  • Denilson Barbosa, Component Lead (Conversion), University of Alberta
  • Jon Bath, Theme Lead (Building Knowledge), University of Saskatchewan
  • Constance Crompton, Site Tech Lead (Ottawa), University of Ottawa
  • Kate Davis, Site Tech Lead (Toronto/Scholars Portal), Scholars Portal/University of Toronto
  • Lisa Goddard, Component Lead (Infrastructure), University of Victoria
  • Diane Jakacki, Site Tech Lead (LEAF), Bucknell University
  • Janelle Jenstad, Theme Lead (Making Connections), University of Victoria
  • Pieter Botha, Technical Manager, University of Guelph
  • Sarah Roger, LINCS Project Manager, University of Guelph

Technical Advisory Board

  • Arianna Ciula, Deputy Director and Senior Research Software Analyst at King’s Digital Lab, King’s College London
  • Sandra Fauconnier, Freelance Art Historian and Project Manager
  • Thomas Padilla Deputy Director of Archiving and Data Services, Internet Archive
  • Cristina Pattuelli, Co-director of the Semantic Lab, Pratt Institute School of Information
  • Stéphane Pouyllau, CNRS Research Engineer; Co-Founder of Huma-Num, Huma-Num
  • Pat Riva, Associate University Librarian in Collection Services, Concordia University
  • Rob Sanderson, Director for Cultural Heritage Metadata, Yale University
  • Rainer Simon, Senior Researcher at Data Science & Artificial Intelligence Group/Cultural Data Science, Austrian Institute of Technology
  • Peter Patel-Schneider, Principal Scientist, PARC

Former Committee and Board Members

Board of Directors

  • Rebecca Graham, University Librarian, University of Guelph (2022–2023)
  • Cecily Raynor, Site Tech Lead, McGill University (2020–2022)
  • Stéfan Sinclair, Site Tech Leadn, McGill University (2020)

Organizational Structure

Diagram showing the organizational structure of LINCS. LINCS infrastructure, conversion, and access teams report to the technical committee and manager. The technical committee reports to the executive committee, advised by the technical advisory board. The research board collaborates with researchers, technical, and project managers. Project manager, technical manager, and committee report to the executive committee, advised by the advisory board